Applications & Forms
- Applicant Checklist
- Application - Asset Owner
- Application - Beginning Farmer
- Balance Sheet/Net Worth Statement (FSA Form 2037)
- Cash Flow Analysis (FSA Form 2038)
- Standardized Price Cash Equivalent Statement-
- Adobe PDF (fillable without calculations)
- Excel Spreadsheet (fillable with calculations)
- Nebraska Department of Revenue Exemption Application Form 1027
- Succession Plan Certification Form
- Succession Workshop Confirmation
Procedure to Apply:
- Complete and return a Beginning Farmer Application.
- Include supplemental documentation as specified on the application.
- Eligibility requirements and application procedures for the beginner are the same whether you apply for the tax credit, the Personal Property Tax Exemption (PPTE) and/or financial management course cost reimbursement.
- You do not need to rent from someone to be eligible for the PPTE or the financial management course cost reimbursement.
- Complete and return an Asset Owner Application
- Include supplemental documentation as specified on the application
- Asset Owner Application not needed if applying only for the PPTE and/or the financial management course cost reimbursement.
Deadlines to Apply:
Applicants are highly encouraged to submit applications early in the year.
- Tax Credit: November 1st of the year for which tax credit is sought.
- Financial Management Course Reimbursement: November 1st of the year cost is incurred.
- Personal Property Tax Exemption: November 1st of the year preceding the year for which exemptions are sought.
Applications will considered on a first-come, first-serve basis according to the date application is complete.
Application Process:
- Applications are reviewed for completeness.
- Applicants will be contacted to confirm completeness of applications, or to request additional information.
- Board of Directors reviews applications at periodic board meetings for approval.
- Applicants informed of board decision.
- Personal Property Tax Exemption Certificates sent to approved applicants upon board approval.
- Forms 1099 BFC tax credits for approved beginners for financial management course reimbursement are sent in January.
- Forms 1099 BFC tax credits for approved asset owners are sent in January.